5As Esercizi di informatica Appunti Architettura hardware (Marina Ribaudo – Dibris) Le reti di calcolatori e l’interazione client/server (Marina Ribaudo – Dibris) La rete Internet e il protocollo TCP/IP (Marina Ribaudo – Dibris) Topologia di rete Modello ISO/OSI: eng, ita Modello TCP/IP: eng, ita Video: History of the Internet The Internet Explained How Does the Internet Work ? OSI Model Explained The TCP IP Model of Networking (cisco ccna networking fundamentals chapter 2) Hub, Switch or Router? Network Devices Explained IP Addressing and How it Works Addressing the Network IPv4 (cisco ccna networking fundamentals chapter 6) UDP and TCP: Comparison of Transport Protocols TCP/IP: TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, ARP, The Four-layer DOD model and Seven-layer OSI model How Network Address Translation Works Automatic IP Address Assignment: How DHCP Works Inside the Domain Name System Google Data center The world’s largest data center What is a server